November 17, 2020

How to Turn Any Zoom Recording into an Automated Webinar

How to Turn Any Zoom Recording into an Automated Webinar

Try eWebinar for free, sign up here now.

If you're interested in learning more about eWebinar's integration with Zoom and how to set it up, read this article.

Webinars are a powerful medium businesses use to connect with customers, prospects, and internally with staff. Zoom is a fantastic tool — the tool of choice — for hosting these kinds of online live events.

The challenge is that certain types of webinars are difficult to scale, in particular, webinars for training, demos, and sales pitches. It's often too demanding to host them as often as you would like. You have to work around the schedule of the presenter, let alone making sure sessions are available at times convenient for attendees. Only a few people may sign up, and then fewer show up. Webinars you host over and over again can start to seem like they are not worth it. If you are using Zoom to try and sustain an aggresive live webinar strategy like this and are getting burned out, eWebinar may be able to help.

eWebinar was created to save you from having to give the same presentation over and over again. Record a presentation once in Zoom, import it into eWebinar, and then turn it into an interactive, automated webinar. eWebinar supports an integration with Zoom especially for this purpose. Connect your Zoom account with your eWebinar account and you can import a cloud recording from Zoom in just a couple of clicks. You can then turn that video into an automated webinar in just a few minutes, which means you can set it on a recurring schedule and make it available as often as you like, for as long as you like, without having to work around anyone's schedule.

If you're interested in learning more about eWebinar's integration with Zoom and how to set it up, read this article.

If you're wondering why you shouldn't simply share the video of a recorded Zoom presentation with those who need to see it, the answer is simple: engagement is not nearly as high. The watch time of the same video hosted as an eWebinar is twice what it is if shared simply as a video. Why is that? Because of two of eWebinar's most powerful features:

Real-time Interactions

eWebinar lets you create and program interactions to pop up at exactly the right moments during your presentation. You can take polls, make special offers, pose questions, suggest helpful tips, give away content, send personal messages, and more. These interactions give attendees a way to participate in the experience and keep them engaged until the very end.

Live Chat

Attendees can interact with a real person in real time through live chat. Having someone there to answer questions makes all the difference. Unlike in a traditional webinar, attendees can get their questions answered during the presentation. They don't have to wait for a Q&A at the end where they may or may not get the specific answers they need.

The great thing about eWebinar's chat feature is that it gives you the flexibility to choose how quickly or frequently you respond to attendees. When someone sends a message through chat, you (or whoever you have assigned) will be notified. You can jump in right away and chat with the person in real-time, or respond later by email. Either way, you'll be able to get back to the person who asked the question so they get what they need and feel heard. But you'll also be able to do so in your own time and on your own terms.

If you are intrigued by all of this and want to see for yourself how powerful eWebinar can be when repurposing recorded meetings from Zoom, sign up for a free trial today, set up our Zoom integration, and start experiencing how much time and energy you can save by automating the presentations you find yourself having to give over and over again.

eWebinar's mission is to give people back their time. Let us give you back some of yours today.

Try eWebinar for free, sign up here now.