"Everything went up with eWebinar: registrations, attendance, and engagement!"

Kevin Andrews, Client Enablement Manager of BombBomb

Everything went up with eWebinar: registrations, attendance, and engagement!

[Transcript] Hey, my name is Kevin Andrews and I'm the Client Enablement Manager at BombBomb.com — you can see my shirt right there — and we are a video engagement platform. We're all about rehumanizing and getting you in front of more people.

I think it was kind of a no-brainer to go with eWebinar because they really have the same thought. They know that we're better face-to-face. And so we knew that when we were looking for a way to scale ourselves and be in front of more people, this was going to be a great way to go. Now we used a previous system before this, that got the job done, but here's why we made the switch to eWebinar.

We're using this for, basically, customer introduction webinars. New customers that are on our free trial or signing up for our program that want to learn the basics — the "why" of why BombBomb is effective — needed something that felt personal so to where I could teach them that. That's exactly what eWebinar has brought in.

And here is the "aha moment" — the outcomes — that have made this all worthwhile. Well, one, literally everything across the board has gone up. We are having more people register. We're having more people attend. We're having more people stay longer in the webinars themselves. And they are interacting and engaging with the webinar more.

I don't think I need to explain that that is a huge win on so many different levels. Now, not only are they getting what feels like a personal experience when they jump into the BombBomb system from me, but they're reaching out. They're asking me questions. They're enjoying themselves. They're saying thank you. We're getting five out of five ratings. These are huge wins across the board. And I 100% believe that eWebinar has been the system that's allowed us to take these to the next level, to provide our clients with that customer experience.

How BombBomb uses eWebinar
Kevin Andrews, Client Enablement Manager
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Real estate tech, SaaS
Use case
Customer success, SaaS, Real estate tech, Real estate, Training, Product demos

About BombBomb

We know that you are better in person. Yet, most business communication happens through faceless, text-only email. With BombBomb, you can rehumanize your communication by getting face to face through video within the tools you already use. BombBomb makes it easy to record, send, and track videos, allowing you to be “in person” with those who matter most to your business at any given time. And it’s scalable to work for the individual user, or your entire team.