How do I set up a basic sales funnel for my eWebinar?

How to complete the basic technical setup of a sales funnel with an eWebinar at its center by integrating with other products and events happening outside of eWebinar.

When people describe the stages that make up a sales funnel with an automated webinar at its center, it usually looks something like this:

  1. Drive traffic to a landing page
  2. Get visitors to sign up for the webinar
  3. Get registrants to attend the webinar
  4. Get attendees to purchase the product or service
  5. Follow up with and convert those who did not purchase

There are many resources available online, including our webinar templates, that will help you learn how to do all of these things, including how to drive qualified leads to your landing page, create a compelling landing page to convince people to register, perfect your sales presentation so it reliably converts on autopilot, and compose persuasive post-webinar email cadences.

This article does not focus on any of those things.

Rather, the purpose of this article is to teach you how to complete the basic technical setup of a sales funnel with an eWebinar at its center. Thus, we will focus on how to integrate eWebinar with other products and events that happen outside of eWebinar.

We will cover how to:

1.  Answers to questions asked in your registration form

2.  Responses to interactions (like Polls and Questions)

We’ll also show you where you can learn how to preview, test, and prepare your webinar for launch.

Let’s dive in…

Set up a 3rd-party landing page and track registrations from it

If you want to use a landing page for your webinar built with a third-party product like LeadPages or InstaPage instead of using the landing page eWebinar provides, you can do so by embedding one of our registration widgets into it.

The three widgets you can use for this purpose are the:

  • Button
  • Fixed bar
  • Embed form

To learn more about these widgets and how to set them up, check out this article on the topic:

What are eWebinar's widgets and how do I install them?

One of the things tracked in your webinar’s Analytics is its registration rate. Registration rate is calculated by dividing the total number of visitors to your registration page by the number of people who choose to register for it. 

Even though our widgets appear on third-party pages outside of eWebinar, they are still able to track visitors to that page, so we can properly track your registration rate inside eWebinar. 

How visitors are tracked on pages with registration widgets

  1. Embedded forms: If the widget is an embedded form (meaning the form is visible on the page without the visitor having to click anything), every visitor who visits that page is counted.
  2. Pop-up forms: If the widget supports a pop-up form (meaning the form only becomes visible when the visitor clicks to open it), only visitors who open the registration form are counted.

Be aware that depending on the number and kind of widgets you install — and in how many places — your registration rate could be driven down, so just be mindful of what you do.

Registration widgets also track marketing parameters

The other tracking function widgets provide is to automatically capture marketing tracking parameters, such as standard UTM parameters or Google’s GCLID parameter, and associate them with relevant registrants. So, for example, if someone visits a page with a registration widget on it that has these standard parameters in the URL, if that person registers for your webinar via the widget, the marketing parameters will be saved in the registrant’s record once it is created.

Set up conversion tracking on your checkout confirmation page

You can create Special offer interactions (including the Thinkific offer) to appear at key moments throughout your webinar to promote your product or service and link to a checkout page that has been set up using a third-party payment processor, like PayPal, where attendees can purchase your product.

Every third-party payment processor offers a payment confirmation page, which people are taken to from your checkout page after a successful purchase. 

By placing a sales tracking pixel from eWebinar on that confirmation page, you can alert our system of conversions so that the conversion rate of your webinar can be tracked inside our platform.

To learn the details of how to do this, check out this article we wrote on the topic:

How do I track sales conversions directly resulting from my eWebinar?

Integrate eWebinar with your CRM or marketing automation software

The benefit of integrating eWebinar with your CRM or marketing automation software is that you can send leads from your webinars into your CRM — including their responses to interactions (like Polls) and behavior (like % Attended) — and assign them to the right email drip campaign or automated workflow based on the data collected about them.

To set up an integration with your CRM, you must first enable the integration. Then, you must define the various triggers that will cause the specified values and tags to be sent to your CRM and applied to the contact whose behavior caused the trigger to fire.

For the details of how to do this, check out this entire post we wrote on the topic:

How do I integrate eWebinar with my CRM so it is part of my sales funnel?

Properly map eWebinar properties to fields in your CRM

Once you integrate eWebinar with your CRM, you will want to make sure that registrant data captured in eWebinar is being passed through properly to your CRM. This means that all critical eWebinar properties have been mapped to existing or custom fields in your CRM. A little bit of this is done for you automatically, but most of it needs to be set up by you, including which tags are sent with each trigger.

By default, eWebinar will map three core properties and send them to your CRM for every registrant upon registration. They are: First nameLast name, and Email. When this happens, your CRM will automatically create a new Contact or Lead, unless one already exists.

NOTE: For some integrations, like Hubspot and Salesforce, we also automatically create timeline events with the appropriate properties and create and fill in certain custom properties on the contact.

All other eWebinar properties that you wish to have available to you in your CRM must be mapped manually.

To learn the basics of properties in eWebinar, read this article:

What are properties in eWebinar and what can I do with them?

Built-in properties eWebinar already supports

eWebinar supports a large set of standard properties besides First Name, Last Name and Email, including the registrant-specific Join link and Replay link as well as calculated properties such as Total watched %. If you would like to have this data in your CRM, you will need to manually map the properties in eWebinar to existing or, more likely, custom fields inside your CRM.

A full list of the standard properties eWebinar supports can be found here.

Custom properties you create yourself

There are two types of custom properties you can create in eWebinar and map to custom fields in your CRM. They are:

  1. Answers to questions asked in your registration form
  2. Responses to interactions (like Polls,Questions, clicked Links, etc.)

To learn the details of how to map properties in eWebinar to fields in your CRM, including both standard and custom fields, check out this detailed post we wrote on the topic:

How do I map and send properties (registrant data) from eWebinar to my CRM to use in email drip campaigns and automate workflows?

Pre-populate a registration form from a Facebook or Instagram ad

To pre-populate a registration form for someone coming to your registration page from a Facebook or Instagram ad, you must pass through their Name and Email as query parameters in the URL.

Here is a general article we wrote on how to pre-fill your registration forms using URL query parameters. For Facebook and Instagram ads specifically, however, here is an article they’ve written on the topic: Add URL Parameters to Your Ads.

Links to other helpful articles when setting up a sales funnel

Preview, test and prepare your webinar for launch

Once your sales funnel is set up and your sales webinar created and ready to go, there are a couple of things you might want to do to test your webinar and prepare it for launch. Here is a comprehensive article we have written on the topic:

How do I preview, test, and prepare my webinar for launch?