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How do I track sales conversions directly resulting from my eWebinar?

Explains what the conversion tracking pixel is and how to use it to track conversions resulting from your webinar.

You can create Special offer interactions to appear at key moments throughout your sales webinar to promote your product or service and link to a checkout page — set up using a third-party payment processor, like PayPal — where attendees can purchase it.

Along with a checkout page, every third-party payment processor offers a payment confirmation page, which people are taken to after a successful purchase.

By placing a sales tracking pixel from eWebinar on that confirmation page, our system can be alerted of conversions so that the conversion rate of your webinar can be tracked inside the platform.

Finding and copying the conversion tracking code

Finding and copying the sales tracking pixel code for a Special offer is straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Add one or more Special offer interactions to your sales webinar with a link to buy your product or service. (You can also use the Thinkific offer interaction, if relevant.) 
  2. When you are done configuring your Special offer, look for a section called Conversion tracking, which you may need to expand to see. In it, you will find the code for the tracking pixel.

  3. Click Copy to copy the code.
  4. Embed the code in the purchase confirmation page of the third-party payment processor you use, like PayPal or Thinkific, which is the page where people are taken after a successful purchase. If you have trouble with this step, contact the support team your payment processor for assistance. 

    If you add more than one Special offer interaction to the same webinar, you only need to embed the code once from any one of them, since all offers in the same webinar share the same tracking code.

IMPORTANT: Before you actually go ahead and embed the code in your purchase confirmation page (sometimes known as your thank you page), be sure to read the rest of this article, as you may need to customize the code first to ensure its reliability and specify other data you want sent to eWebinar with each conversion.

Using the tracking code

The tracking pixel code is very simple.  It's just a single pixel transparent image that is accessed with code that looks something like:

<img src="https://api.ewebinar.com/v1/conversion/pixel/3?webinarId=4429&email=&amount=&currency=&orderId=&productId=&productName=" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

The purpose of the pixel is to track attendees from eWebinar through to your checkout system and back.  Without modification, the pixel use cookies to identify attendees.  Unfortunately, this system isn't very reliable because of recent changes to privacy settings in browsers like Safar_i.  Safari doesn't allow cross-domain cookies by default for the sake of a user's privacy, which means in this case the tracking cookie typically won't work reliably.  

In order to make the code above work more reliably, you will need do one of the below, or preferably, implement both:

1.  Use the same domain on your third-party payment processor and eWebinar.  

For example, if you own mydomain.com, you would have lesson.mydomain.com for your Thinkific site and webinars.mydomain.com for eWebinar.  To configure your custom domain in eWebinar go to the Domains tab found in the profile menu in thee upper right-hand corner and follow the instructions under Domain at the bottom of the page. 

Custom domain must be added to your subscription before you may use it. Learn more

2.  Swap out the placeholder  in the code above with actual email address of the person who just purchased your product.  

Most checkout systems have a way to do this using syntax such as:
  • {{email}}
  • {email}
  • {checkout.email}

You will need to contact the support team of whatever payment processor you use, like PayPal, to find out the right syntax to use for their platform and then replace  in the code with the syntax required. 

Making sure your eWebinar and payment processing pages are on the same domain and replacing  with the syntax that dynamically replaces the email of the person who checked out is critical if you want the purchase pixel to work as well as possible and track most conversions.

Note that, even after including the email of the purchaser, there may be conversions that are missed, like for example, if the attendee uses a different email to register for your webinar than they use to purchase your product on your checkout page while using a different device than they used to watch the webinar.  

To account for this, we made it possible for you to manually mark someone as having converted, for the handful of conversions that might get missed.

You can do this by going to the Registrants tab of your webinar, checking the box next to the attendee(s) in questions, and clicking Mark as converted.

Using Javascript instead of the <img> tag to easily inject query parameters into the conversion pixel URL

Many page builder systems don't have an easy way to have placeholders like  replaced dynamically.  However, many systems pass in the information needed by the pixel as query parameters.  For example, lets say after a customer checks out they end up at: 


Instead of using the <img> tag to send the pixel to eWebinar you can instead use  <script> tag with this code (assuming the query parameters of your page are named customer_email and order):


window.onload = function() {

   // Get URL parameters

   var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);

   // Get email and orderId from URL parameters

   var email = urlParams.get('customer_email');

   var orderId = urlParams.get('order');

   // URL encode the email and orderId

   var encodedEmail = encodeURIComponent(email);

   var encodedOrderId = encodeURIComponent(orderId);

   // Define image source template

   var srcTemplate = "<<THE_URL_OF_THE_PIXEL_GOES_HERE>>";

   // Replace placeholders in template with actual values

 var newSrc = srcTemplate.replace('{{email}}', encodedEmail).replace('{{order_id}}', encodedOrderId);

   // Create new img element

   var img = document.createElement('img');

   img.src = newSrc;

   img.width = '1';

   img.height = '1';

   img.alt = '';

   // Append the img to the body (or another appropriate element)




In the code above you would replace <<THE_URL_OF_THE_PIXEL_GOES_HERE>> with the URL found in src parameter of your <img> pixel. 

Customizing the tracking code to capture more data

You will notice there are other placeholders inside the code that you can also replace in order to give eWebinar more information about the sale.  

For example, the placeholder   can be replaced with the value of your product, such as: 49.99.

If you're using the Thinkific offer,  you'll find that this has already been done for you as the code for it has already replaced  with Thinkific's syntax for dynamically adding the price of the product purchased, which is {{total_price}}.

Make sure if you replace  that you use only a number.  No symbols like $ should be added.  To specify the type of currency used, replace  with a currency 3 letter abbreviation such as USD.

Every time a customer visits your purchase complete page, the tracking code will be triggered and eWebinar's analytics will register the sale for that webinar.

NOTE: If the page is refreshed, the code will run again. This won't cause an issue though, since the conversion will still be tracked and the amount replaced with the amount of the most recent call.

Here are all of the placeholder fields in the code:

Email used during the checkout process
Purchase amount such as 49.99
Three letter currency symbol such as USD
Unique ID for this purchase 
Product ID - Not needed
Product name - Not needed


Thinkific tip:  Your purchase pixel code, after replacing the placeholders with Thinkific's dynamic field syntax, will look something similar to this:

<img src="https://api.ewebinar.com/v1/conversion/pixel/3?webinarId=4429&amount={{total_price}}&currency=USD&orderId={{order_number}}&productId={{product_id}}&productName={{product_name}}" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

Using the conversion pixel across more than one webinar

You may have more than one webinar that drives attendees to the same checkout flow.  On your checkout confirmation page you will want the conversion pixel to fire across those webinars so that the attendee is marked converted regardless of which webinar they used to arrive at the final purchase.  You can do this in two ways.  

  1. Simple:  Just grab the conversion pixel code from each of your offer cards in your webinars and add all of the pixels on your checkout confirmation page.
  2. Better:  You can modify the URL in the pixel to take into account multiple webinars.  You can do that by adding webinarId= parameters with the IDs of the webinar.  Example:
    <img src="https://api.ewebinar.com/v1/conversion/pixel/3?webinarId=4429&webinarId=2527&amount={{total_price}}&currency=USD&orderId={{order_number}}&productId={{product_id}}&productName={{product_name}}" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

    You can also accomplish this by using webinar tags.  In this case, start by removing the webinarId= parameter and instead using a tag= parameter which specifies a single tag.  All webinars with that tag will be included for the conversion pixel.  This approach is more flexible as new webinars with that tag will automatically be included in your conversion pixel without having to modify your checkout page.  Example:
    <img src="https://api.ewebinar.com/v1/conversion/pixel/3?tag=course_sales&amount={{total_price}}&currency=USD&orderId={{order_number}}&productId={{product_id}}&productName={{product_name}}" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

Tracking multiple purchases made by the same attendee

If you expect the same attendee to purchase more than one product and want to track the total amount spent across all of their purchases, then you must replace the placeholder .  eWebinar will use Order IDs to add the purchase amounts of different orders to total the amount purchased by the attendee.

When we confirm a new order has occurred — because it is the first time we are seeing a particular Order ID — we will add the sales  to the total revenue associated with both the Special offer and the attendee.

Tracking recurring subscriptions

When selling a subscription, the amount spent often isn't known until the person is charged at a later date. This typically happens when a trial is complete and either the customer churns (without paying) or converts (and pays).  

eWebinar makes it possible to update the amount attributed to a conversion from your backend system once you know this amount.  You can call the purchase tracking pixel URL using a GET from your backend service to add an amount to your attendee's record based on their email.  If this happens monthly, you can also provide an orderId that's different for each month so that the total amount accumulates and eWebinar tracks the LTV of the attendee for you.  For example:

<img src="https://api.ewebinar.com/v1/conversion/pixel/3?webinarId=4429&email=my@customer.com&orderId=0001&amount=49.99&currency=USD" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

Embedding the sales tracking pixel code

Alright, now that you have the sales tracking pixel code, you need to install it.

The code is meant to be embedded directly into your checkout flow’s confirmation or thank you page where a purchaser is taken after a successful payment is complete.

On your payment platform, you'll need to find the setting that allows you to add custom HTML inside the <BODY> of your Purchase Complete page. If you have trouble find this, contact the support of your payment processor.

Thinkific tip: When in the Thinkific admin area, you must go into Settings under the Code tab.  There you will find a section called 'Order tracking code'.  That is where you paste the <img> tag.  It also states that for free courses you should instead place the code in the 'Signup tracking code' area.

Seeing conversion data in eWebinar

Once things are set up and sales start resulting from your webinars, you will be able to see the total number of sales and the total revenue per offer from your Analytics and in your Registrants' records for each webinar.

NOTE: You won't see any changes to your Analytics until at least one conversion successfully registers for the first time.

You can download the purchase data of your registrants to a CSV. Or you can map it to your CRM. (When you do map it, you'll find the purchase information in the client summary field or as its own set of fields in Zapier.)