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How do I use the Script manager to verify my eWebinar subdomain with Facebook?

Using eWebinar's Script manager you can verify your subdomain with Facebook by adding a tag to your subdomain's home page.

Facebook now requires you verify your domain (or subdomain) in order to be able to effectively track Facebook pixels in those pages.  In order to do that in eWebinar you need to take a few steps:

1. Select a subdomain to use for your eWebinars

Most people select a subdomain for the webinars when they sign up.  If you haven't already done so or want to review the subdomain you selected go to My profile.  There you will find a subdomain where you can enter the subdomain you'd like to have.  This subdomain must not have any special characters or spaces although dash is allowed.  If you choose ilove, for example, your eWebinar subdomain will be https://ilove.ewebinar.com 

This page will have a list of all the published webinars you haven't marked as "Don't share."  All of the webinars you publish will begin with that URL as well. 

2. In Facebook find the <meta> tag to add to your subdomain home page

In Facebook, you need to add a domain to the list of domains you own.  In our case we would type in ilove.ewebinar.com and get the meta tag they want us to place inside the <head> section of the page at https://ilove.ewebinar.com 

3. Add the <meta> tag to the eWebinar Scripts manager

To do this first click the Add new script button.   In the dialog that pops you can:

  1. Name this script.
  2. Paste the <meta.... /> code from Facebook into the box that starts with the line number 1.  
  3. Click on Only use in my eWebinar subdomain home page as shown below

Scripts manager

3. Go back to Facebook and verify

Once you click on Save & publish you should be ready to go back to Facebook and have it verify you own that domain.