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How do I integrate eWebinar with Webhook?

Integrate with Webhook to automate workflows or populate contact lists in third-party CRMs

By integrating with Webhook, you can call any generic Webhook when registrants complete actions, and send this data to a Webhook endpoint, triggering workflows or creating contacts in third-party CRMs. 

To set up the integration:

  1. First, identify the Webhook endpoint for the app you will be using. 
    1. E.G. A Zapier webhook looks like this: https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/1234567/1asdf341/
  2. Login to eWebinar and go to Integrations in the profile menu.  
  3. Click Webhook under Available Integrations. You will need to fill out the modal that opens to complete the setup.
  4. To do so, paste your Webhook endpoint URL into the URL field under Webhook details
  5. Select the appropriate Trigger action in the dropdown menu under When to trigger
  6. OPTIONAL: Indicate which of your eWebinars should use the Webhook integration by selecting a tag they all share under When to trigger. Learn more here.
  7. OPTIONAL: Under Tags, select the tags you would like to assign to the Registrant object. 
  8. Click Connect.
  9. When an action matches the trigger conditions (For example, if someone registers with “New Registration” as the selected trigger.) we will POST to the specified endpoint with the Registrant object as the payload.

Once the integration with Webhook has been set up, you can turn it on or off on the Integrations page of your eWebinar account.

PRO TIP: You can create multiple Webhook integrations and tag them to be used with different tagged eWebinars. 

Registrant Structure for Webhooks

When the Webhook gets triggered we will POST to the specified endpoint with a JSON payload that has the Registrant and their details as the Payload.

Below is an example of this payload, with explanations for each field:

Unique ID of the registrant
"id": "abCD1234Efg56",

The Registrants IP address
"ip": "123.456.7.8",

Registrants City
"city": "New Jersey",

Name of the Registrant
"name": "John Doe",

The tags attached to the webinar
"tags": [ "Sales", "Lead", "Onboarding" ],

Registrant's Email
"email": "John.Doe@defaultmail.com",

The current state of the registrant, this can change depending on the trigger, expected values are "Registered, NotJoined, Joined, Missed, Watched"
"state": "Registered",

The Action that caused the current update, expected values "Registered, Joined, Left, WatchedWebinar, WatchedReplay, MissedWebinar, WebinarFinished, Converted, Unsubscribed"

"action": "Registered",

The site the registration originated from, this can either be the landing page we provide, or a page with one of our widgets currently installed on it
"origin": "https://ilove.ewebinar.com/webinar/ewebinar-overview-and-demo-10092",

If a widget was used to register, this field will have the value assigned to the widget under the "Widget Source" field when editing the Widget settings
"source": "Widget",

Your team's internal ID
"teamId": 1,

The Country of the registrant
"country": "US",

The registrant's current attendance status
"attended": "Hasn't started",

The registrant's Join link

The registrant's last name
"lastName": "Doe",

The first referring page of the registrant, this is usually the page they were on before landing on your registration page
"referrer": "https://app.ewebinar.com/",

The registrant's time zone, in tz time format
"timezone": "New Jersey/America",

The Registrant's first name
"firstName": "John",

The internal ID of the webinar this registrant registered for
"webinarId": 14166,

Registrant's ID
"attendeeId": "abCD1234Efg56",

The replay link of the registrant

Is the registrant currently subscribed to receive email notifications
"subscribed": "Subscribed",

URL of the page the registrant first visited that contained an eWebinar widget
"firstOrigin": "https://ilove.ewebinar.com/webinar/ewebinar-overview-and-demo-10092",

The starting time of the registrant's session, in ISO8601 format
"sessionTime": "2024-05-10T08:25:00.000Z",

The type of session the registrant registered for, this can be "Scheduled, Replay, JustInTime, OnDemand"
"sessionType": "JustInTime",

The title of the Webinar

"webinarTitle": "eWebinar Overview and Demo",

Is the registrant's email verified, boolean (true/false)
"emailVerified": "true",

URL of the page the registrant came from the first time they visited a page with an eWebinar widget
"firstReferrer": "https://app.ewebinar.com/",

The name of the Head Moderator for the Webinar
"moderatorName": "Melissa Kwan",

Did the registrant check the consent box during Registration
"checkedConsent": "Yes",

The email of the Head Moderator for the Webinar

"moderatorEmail": "support@ewebinar.com",

Date and time the registrant registered for a session 
"registeredTime": "2024-05-10T08:24:01.263Z",

The link for your team's "All Webinars Page", this will show all webinars currently published on your team
"allWebinarsLink": "https://ilove.ewebinar.com",

The link for this webinars default landing page

The link included in confirmation emails that will let the registrant add the webinar to their calendar.

If any extra fields are added to the registration form, the answers given there will show up in this field
"registrationAnswers": "-- Registration form answers --\n\nChecked consent checkbox: Yes\n",

Which device were they using when registering

"deviceTypeWhenRegistered": "Desktop"

To see all of eWebinar's standard properties, refer to this section of our properties help article.