How do you set the completion requirements for your webinar?

Explains your options when defining what it means for an attendee to "complete" your webinar, which is used when calculating its completion rate.

Completion requirements allow you to define what it means for one of your attendees to “complete” a webinar. The potential requirements are watch time, responses to quizzes, and/or the completion of a conversion event. Completion is tracked individually for registrants and collectively in your analytics as the completion rate of your webinars. 

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How to define your webinar’s completion requirements

There are three ways you can define what it means for someone to “complete” your webinar: by minimum watch time, by their responses to quizzes, and/or their completion of a specific conversion event. We’ll go through each one by one. 


By watch time

The first of the completion requirements is watch time. It is set at 95% by default and the only requirement you must define. (It cannot be disabled.) 

This is where you get to decide how long people have to watch your webinar before it is considered complete. Keep in mind attendees may in some instances, such as in replay sessions, skip around, so they might not be watching the video continuously. Based on what percentage you enter, eWebinar will calculate how much time your attendees must watch to “complete” your webinar (continuously or discontinuously). If this is your only completion requirement, attendees will be marked as having “completed” your webinar if they watch the required percentage of your video

Keep in mind when you define the minimum watch time for your completion requirements, it has implications for your analytics as well. It is also the definition of what it means for an attendee to “stay until the end”. This is explained in further depth in this section of the article. 

NOTE: If you don’t want watch time to be part of your completion requirements, you can set the minimum watch time to 0%. It isn’t something we recommend, as “stayed until the end” won’t be tracked correctly in your analytics. This workaround should only be used if you want to specifically measure completion by quizzes and/or by a conversion event only. 

By quiz response

The next completion requirement, which is optional, is to define “completion” by quiz responses. When you enable this requirement, you must enter the percentage of quizzes that attendees must respond to in order to complete your webinar. You can also decide if their answers must be correct or if simply responding is enough.  Of course, to properly define this requirement, you must first add quizzes to your webinar. 

In the example above, attendees must respond to 50% of 2 quizzes, meaning they must respond to just one quiz during the webinar for this requirement to be met and for the attendee to be counted as having “completed” the webinar, assuming all other requirements have been met. 

By conversion event

The third potential completion requirement, which is also optional, is to require the completion of a conversion event . There are any number of conversion events you can track in eWebinar such as buying your product or service, signing up for a free trial, submitting a contact form, or registering for the next webinar in a series, to name a few. When this setting is enabled and an attendee completes a conversion event, they will be counted as having completed the webinar, provided all other active requirements have been met. 

Keep in mind, when you enable this feature, you must also define your conversion event and track it (which may involve installing tracking code). Click here to learn more about how to do that. 

How to understand your webinar completion analytics

There are two places on the Analytics page where you can see data about your webinar’s completion: under Webinar completion & conversion funnel, and Attendance & completion

NOTE: You can also check individual attendee’s completion status in the registrant record. 

Webinar completion and conversion funnelwebinar_completion_funnel_analytics

Once you have defined the completion requirements for your webinar, the total number of completions and completion rate will be tracked in this section. As seen above, the third section of the funnel is based on how many attendees have met all the completion requirements you have set for your webinar, and it calculates the percentage completed out of all attendees, which is your completion rate.


Your completion requirements also impact what shows under Attendance & completion in your analytics. 


Stayed to the end

In the Attendees part of this section, you can see “Stayed to end (>75% watched)” and “Left early (<75% watched)”. That is because, for this webinar, the user set the minimum required watch time to 75%. 

NOTE: Stayed to the end is determined specifically and only by the required watch time you set, and none of the other completion requirements. 

Completed webinars

When looking at Completed webinars you’ll see the total number of webinars completed in the timeframe you’ve filtered your analytics by. You can also see the number of webinars completed by the different session types: scheduled, on-demand, just in time, and replay sessions. It is important to note here that it is possible for attendees to “stay until the end” of your webinar while not “completing” your webinar, as they may hit the watch time requirement but not one/both of the other two requirements. To better understand all of your analytics please read this help article

Registrant recordcompleted_registrant_record

Along with these analytics, you can check if an individual attendee has completed your webinar by going to the in the Registrants tab of the webinar’s dashboard and looking at the Completed column to see if it says “Yes” or “No” for that individual. 

NOTE: If you open the registrant’s record, you can get more detail about an attendee's engagement with your webinar.