Customers who rave about eWebinar automated webinars

How HighNote uses eWebinar

I'd recommend eWebinar to any company that wants to scale their customer success

[Transcript] Hey, my name is Mark Choey, I'm the Founder of HighNote. We're a real estate tech company that helps agents and brokerages win more listings and get offers accepted and win new buyer clients with our innovative pitching platform , I just want to talk a little bit about eWebinar and how awesome the platform has been for us, not just on the sales side, but also on the support side.

Before eWebinar, we were trying to figure out how to onboard and train new agents that came into our platform daily. As a founder, I was doing all the sales and all the onboarding, which was just unsustainable and impossible to do as a single founder. It's just so important for our product and our agent customers to have a great experience because they are the primary user.

And agents are busy, so they really need to experience the product in a better way. We can't personally give one-on-one videos and demos to every single agent out there. So eWebinar has just been instrumental in that. The referrals we get from our agent customers is so important to us. So it's very important that they get a great experience.

Selling an agent HighNote is really the first step and the real moment of truth comes when the agent learns how to use HighNote and can win business with it. So it is critical that we take that opportunity after they sign up, to demonstrate to them in a scalable way, how to close business.

With HighNote, the sooner they see success the better. Everyone will be. And the more likely they'll be sharing their HighNote experience with their friends and colleagues. Apart from onboarding, we do a lot of sales with eWebinar and it's just really allowed us to scale our sales process.

The other great thing about eWebinar is it's 24/7. So there are no time zone issues. We have customers from all around the country and the world, and we don't have to worry about scheduling about being awake when they are. Not only that, real estate agents have incredibly hectic schedules. This way with eWebinar, we allow the scheduling to happen on their terms.

The agents just pick a session time that fits their schedule, even at nights on weekends, times that we could just never run live webinars in the past. And the product design, you could tell this product is well-designed and built. A lot of attention to detail, a lot of attention to usability, super intuitive to use. And they're always adding cool new features.

I'm really excited to have eWebinar as part of our process. I'd recommend eWebinar to any company that wants to scale their customer success. Especially if you have a small team with limited time and resources. If you're running repetitive customer webinars and wish you didn't have to. And if you wish you can do a lot more of those webinars, eWebinar can run your webinars for you.

So you can just focus your time on other important things to grow your business and deliver a high quality experience your customers would just love. I can't say enough about eWebinar.