Customers who rave about eWebinar automated webinars

How Tidy Revival uses eWebinar

Webinars that are available when my customers are

[Transcript] My name is Carly Adams and I'm the owner of Tidy Revival. I'm a professional organizer, but I also have a decluttering course online. I use eWebinar to sell my course, anytime. The thing that I really love about eWebinar is that it's available when the people who are going to watch my webinar are available.

One of my biggest customer bases are moms and new moms, and they're not necessarily going to be available when it's the best time for me during the workday. So, by being able to set the hours too, my webinars are set for almost 24 hours a day. I'm able to capture women when they're available.

Whether that is 6:00am while they're getting things ready to go for the day or at 12:00am feeding, they're able to watch it when they're available. Because you can also watch a replay at any time, it's really upped the percentage of the amount of people who don't just sign up, they do watch it because they're available to sign up and then watch one of the showings right away.

That's been really, really helpful. I also love it because I'm saving a ton of time. I'm not having to take time out of my week again and again and again, to do the same presentation. People are able to get that information when it's most convenient for them. I also am able to glean a lot of data from what people are thinking as they're watching the webinar, because it's not static.

There's so many interactions. I've inserted polls and questions. I've gotten feedback. I'm finding out what people are most interested in learning about. So later, these are things that I can be implementing in my course and making tweaks and changing my presentation as I go too. So I'm very happy with eWebinar.

I feel like it was an amazing choice for me and my company, which is just one person right now. And of course I hope to grow in the future. So I feel like this tool is going to help me do that. I'd recommend it to anybody who is looking to grow and scale their business, sell an online product and really be able to automate a lot of their time.