Customers who rave about eWebinar automated webinars

How Paul Thomson uses eWebinar

I love eWebinar's chat where you could interact and engage with your audience in an asynchronous or real-time basis.

[Transcript] My name is Paul Thomson. I'm a business coach for course creators. And I also run an agency called Course Ninjas, and we spend our time working with course creators of all shapes and sizes who are looking to launch online courses and make a lot of recurring revenue. And what we found was there was no great solution that we were able to tap into to help bring webinars to life.

A lot of the old solutions that we found out there were quite clunky, looked like they'd been built in the 90s. It was really hard to customize. And the experience was kind of filled with almost deceit. It was like this fake attendance, these fake chat boxes and things like that. And we just did not align with that for our clients or our audience.

We wanted something that would resonate with the integrity that we have working with these course creators to get their courses out there. So we started working with eWebinar and we have been absolutely blown away with this platform from the very beginning, just setting it up is so easy. They've got a ton of templates and things like that, that if you're not as technologically advanced can definitely help clients and you, get up and running so much quicker.

But the thing that we really loved about it was the idea that you could register for this evergreen webinar and still have this chat functionality where you could interact and engage with your audience in an asynchronous or real-time basis. That was the amazing thing. So many of our sales and conversions coming from clients have come through that follow-up process where we're able to interact and engage with our audience. Ask questions, answered them in real time. It's been absolutely phenomenal.

Now, if you are on the fence and you're looking for a webinar platform, don't just go with Zoom. Don't try and run it on YouTube or into a Facebook group. eWebinar is the thing that you need to get into your business immediately.

I cannot recommend it enough. It is so easy to use. It is so quick to get set up and you will never look back. I promise you, so go check out eWebinar and watch your webinar sales skyrocket!